Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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  • hyg19.7.2016_-1582.jpg
  • hyg_animation22.jpg

Drinking Water Hygiene

Drinking water is subject to a wide range of influences

The composition and quality of drinking water can be influenced both during water extraction and in the distribution network and storage. The investigation of such influences is therefore not a purely routine activity but requires extensive knowledge of the catchment area of the waterworks.

Only in close interaction with regular, professional analyses of the water by independent institutions can the desired high standard be maintained.

On the road for you - our field samplers

We have a high-performance sampling team for sampling drinking and surface water. Our samplers are professionally trained, flexible, permanently employed, and familiar with the conditions on-site. Our sampling is accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025.

Our range of services

  • Examination of drinking water according to the requirements of the drinking water ordinance
  • Determination of water quality in the catchment area (raw water)
  • Determination of input sources for foreign substances
  • Consulting and support for further process steps
  • Testing and assessment of technical installations
  • Testing of the agents and materials to be used
  • Support with RAP

Testing laboratory for drinking water

We are approved by the LANUV NRW as an inspection body for drinking water. According to § 15.4 TrinkwV the approval is valid nationwide and is therefore not limited to NRW.

Here is our name in the list according to § 15.4 TrinkwV at the LANUV:

drinking water investigation bodies
Last change: 22.01.2022 11:10:19