Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Effects of substances on the living environment

Ecotoxicology deals with the effects of substances and mixtures on the living environment and - indirectly - with the "repercussions" on humans. Ecotoxicological studies are, among other things, the basis for estimating the hazard potential of substances to be placed on the market.

In this way, we contribute to the reduction of the burdens that can be associated with the production and use of substances. Furthermore, we support the implementation of laws and regulations (e.g. Chemicals Act, REACH Regulation, classification and labeling according to CLP Regulation).

For manufacturers, importers and users

  • Carrying out searches in ecotoxicological databases
  • Development of ecotoxicological substance profiles
  • Ecotoxicological evaluation of hazardous substances and preparations
  • Development of ecotoxicological basic data for the preparation of safety data sheets
  • Classification of hazardous substances and preparations according to hazardous substances legislation
  • Performance of ecotoxicological studies (e.g. aquatic and terrestrial tests)

Ecotoxicological studies

The basis for toxicological evaluation is formed by numerous test procedures, e.g. according to REGULATION (EC) No. 440/2008, DIN/ISO standards or OECD guidelines, which are carried out in our own laboratories. We apply established test methods according to national and international standards, but we also deal with the new and further development of methods in scientific projects.

For example, the following methods are available for the assessment of potential impact pathways:
  • Algal toxicity (Alga Growth Inhibition Test)
  • Daphnia toxicity (Acute Immobilization Test / Reproduction Test)
  • Acute Fish Toxicity (Fish Egg Test / Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity (FET) Test / Short-term Toxicity Test on Embryo and Sac-Fry Stages)
  • Determination of toxicity to activated sludge bacteria (TTC test) and determination of the inhibitory effect on luminescent bacteria
  • Toxicity to earthworms (Earthworm Acute Toxicity Test)
  • Determination of germination and growth inhibition in plants (Terrestrial Plants Growth Test)
  • Determination of ready biodegradability (Ready Biodegradability)
  • Inherent Biodegradability (Zahn-Wellens Test)
Last change: 10.07.2024 14:42:59