Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Infection Risk Through Legionella

The occurrence of Legionella

Legionella belong to the facultative pathogenic bacteria and are ubiquitously found in almost all aquatic biotopes (e.g. ground and surface waters, rivers and lakes, sludges, hot springs). In natural waters, Legionella bacteria are rarely found or are found in very low concentrations. In contrast, under suitable propagation conditions, these bacteria can multiply very well in water-bearing technical systems, such as drinking water installations (hot and cold), emergency shower systems, room air conditioning systems, evaporative cooling systems, process water circuits, dental units, whirlpools, fountains, windshield wiper systems, car washes, etc.
Sources of infection for Legionella diseases in humans are therefore predominantly in the technical-conditioned environment. The route of infection is predominantly, but not exclusively, via the ingestion of contaminated aerosols (minute water droplets dissolved in the air).

The risk of infection by Legionella

Infectious diseases caused by Legionella are most often Legionella pneumonia / Legionellosis (pneumonia) or the so-called Pontiac fever, a flu-like disease of the respiratory tract (see According to the German Protection against Infection Act (Infektionsschutzgesetz, IfSG), there is an obligation to report these diseases to the responsible public health department.

The connection between the Legionella colonization of water-bearing technical systems, which often offer good ecological conditions for the multiplication of Legionella, and the occurrence of epidemic Legionella infections has been proven by a large number of investigations. The observance and implementation of the generally accepted rules of technology (a.a.R.d.T.) during planning, construction and maintenance as well as the intended operation, i.e. also sufficient use, of water-bearing technical installations are of great importance in minimizing the risk of infection by Legionella.

Examinations for legionella

Through technical inspections and hygienic-microbiological controls of potential sources of infection, the risk of infection by Legionella can be assessed and considerably reduced by remediation of contaminated installations.
During a telephone consultation as well as during an on-site inspection, the scope of investigation including sampling and analysis is determined for the respective water-bearing technical system.
Based on the knowledge gained, the analysis results, and our many years of experience, a possible risk of infection by legionella is estimated, the necessary need for action is determined, measures are proposed, technical weak points are identified, remediation concepts are developed, and hazard analyses according to the German Drinking Water Ordinance (TrinkwV) and hygiene reports are prepared.

We determine legionella in water from

  • Water supply systems according to TrinkwV
  • drinking water installations (cold + warm)
  • Eye and body shower installations
  • dental units and ear flushing systems as well as other medical devices
  • piped drinking fountains and water dispensers
  • Treatment, deionization, and osmosis systems
  • process water systems
  • Fountains and other water-carrying equipment with aerosol formation
  • devices and apparatus in technical plants
  • Sewage treatment plants
  • Swimming pool water treatment plants
  • Ventilation systems (RLT systems)
  • Evaporative cooling plants and cooling towers

We work on behalf of pool operators, monitoring facilities, as well as companies that specialize in the area of processing technology.
Last change: 05.07.2024 11:33:04