Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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  • hyg19.7.2016_-1582.jpg
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Hygiene inspections of HVAC systems and units according to VDI 6022, sheet 1
In accordance with VDI 6022, Sheet 1, operators of ventilation and air-conditioning systems and equipment must inspect them at
  • systems with humidification equipment and / or grounded pipes at intervals of 2 years
  • systems without a humidification system and/or grounding pipes at intervals of 3 years.

to be subjected to a hygiene inspection.

Within the scope of a hygiene inspection, it is checked whether all hygienic and constructive requirements of VDI 6022, sheet 1 are met. In addition, microbiological samples are taken from air-bearing surfaces, from humidifier and feed water, and from the supply air. Finally, you will receive a report with the results of the examination, a description of the deficiencies and the necessary remedial measures.
If hygiene problems arise, we will be happy to advise you and also offer further chemical, chemical-physical and microbiological investigations, such as dust surface density determination, VOC measurements, comfort measurements, measurements of asbestos and artificial mineral fibers.

Our employees are master craftsmen and engineers from the field of supply engineering as well as trained according to VDI 6022, sheet 4 category A and therefore meet the requirements to be allowed to carry out hygiene inspections.

But not only for buildings, also for HVAC systems in vehicles such as trains, streetcars and ships we offer inspections according to VDI 6032.
Last change: 10.03.2023 13:47:40