HVAC systems should provide us with good air quality and a comfortable indoor climate. In order to meet this requirement, air handling systems must be planned, manufactured and operated properly, especially from a hygienic point of view.
To this end, various sets of rules, first and foremost VDI 6022, sheet or, in the case of increased hygiene requirements, e.g. in hospitals, DIN 1946, part 4, formulate specifications for the areas of planning, manufacture, production and operation in order to ensure hygiene quality.
In these regulations, but also in other hygienic-technical regulations from Austria (e.g. ÖNORM H 6020, ÖNORM H 6021, ÖNORM H 6038) and Switzerland (e.g. SWKI VA104-01, SWKI VA105-01), not only specifications for the operators for maintenance and repair are defined, but also requirements for equipment and material manufacturers are formulated.
We are happy to advise you and check for you whether your systems, components or devices comply with the hygienic-constructive requirements for the manufacturers of various European regulations.
Furthermore, we carry out
material tests to check whether your materials meet the requirements of the above-mentioned regulations.
We also offer these hygiene conformity tests of the hygienic-constructive requirements for manufacturers of evaporative cooling systems according to VDI 2047, sheet 2.