Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Building Contaminants

A considerable proportion of Germany's building stock was built or refurbished in the post-war years using materials that are now considered to be harmful to health and the environment. It was not until the 1970s that it became widely recognized that many of the building materials used at that time could have harmful effects on people and their environment. By then, however, these materials had already been used and processed many times in the interior and exterior of buildings. Even today, this results in risks for owners, users, and technical personnel - both of a health and economic nature.

Investigation, analysis, and assessment from a single source

The Hygiene Institute of the Ruhr Area supports you in all questions concerning building pollutants from sampling to remediation.
If desired, our qualified and experienced personnel will take care of the professional collection of individual samples or create a comprehensive pollutant register of your building. The assessment of the pollutants found is carried out taking into account the individual problem, the analysis results, and the currently applicable laws, regulations, and guidelines (e.g. asbestos, PCB, and PCP guidelines).

Accredited analytics and individual evaluation

Our accredited testing laboratories are available for the analysis of building materials. Our analytical services cover the typical building pollutants, such as asbestos and artificial mineral fibers (KMF), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and various wood preservatives such as pentachlorophenol (PCP). In addition, we will be happy to analyze your solid, water, or air samples for other chemical parameters upon request. Our qualified personnel will be happy to advise you and find the parameter range that is best suited to your problem and your needs.

At the same time, we offer our customers the possibility to send in sample material (see order form). Please make sure that the mail is securely packaged. We are also happy to accept samples delivered personally or deposited in the mailbox outside business hours. If you have any questions regarding the professional sampling of suspect materials, please contact our staff, who are available as contact persons.
Last change: 30.09.2021 10:01:45