Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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  • hyg19.7.2016_-1582.jpg
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Soil, Compost, Sewage Sludge

Soil Testing

One of the key questions when remediating a site is whether or not the soil needs to be disposed of. The simplest answer to the question is "yes."
In the case of naturally grown soil, the Federal Soil Protection Ordinance (BBodSchV) applies. After excavation of a grown soil, it is in principle first of all waste and is treated according to the specifications of the Federal/State Working Group on Waste (LAGA). The published classification values are used to determine which restrictions exist for recycling the soil.
If direct recycling is not possible because the allocation values are exceeded, the soil is landfilled and the investigation program is extended in accordance with the Landfill Ordinance (DepV).
This short excursion into the world of soil investigations and contaminated sites shows how versatile such investigations are. If you need further information about soil, contaminated sites, and declarations, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you!

Sewage Sludge

The separated solid fraction in a wastewater treatment process is commonly referred to as sewage sludge. This primary and/or secondary sewage sludge can be incinerated or used for fertilization. The decisive factors for the use of the sludge are the constituents, which are determined on the basis of the Waste Sewage Sludge Ordinance (AbfKlärV) and/or the Fertilizer Ordinance (DüMV).
Since the amendment of the AbfKlärV in 2017, an ever-increasing proportion of sewage sludge is incinerated. However, there are also plant-specific requirements for incineration that must be met. Thus, even in the case of thermal utilization, an examination of the sewage sludge is required, according to the specifications of the respective incineration plant.
The examination of sewage sludge brings a further advantage. It enables a long-term review of the treated wastewater. An always almost constant composition of a sewage sludge speaks for a stable and largely homogeneous composition of the wastewater inflow and does not indicate an unusual foreign discharge.
Last change: 29.02.2024 11:41:40