Bathing Water Hygiene
Examination, monitoring, assessment
To ensure that the search for recreation becomes an unadulterated pleasure and not a health adventure, the bath operator takes care of the quality of the bathing pool water in daily operation by means of parameters to be measured on-site. This is not enough, however, because independent water quality checks and more extensive tests are required at regular intervals to ensure the quality of the bathing water on a permanent basis.
Our range of services for baths
- Carrying out regular investigations to monitor bathing water quality in accordance with DIN 19643-1
- Consulting for operators of public baths on all aspects of bath hygiene and bath technology
- Investigations on the successful disinfection and cleaning in the baths (especially in the corridors, changing rooms, showers, whirlpools)
- Procedural acceptance and functional tests according to DIN 19643 and leaflet 65.04 of the German Association for the Bath Industry
Bath water treatment
In the swimming pool, many people come closer to each other than in almost any other area. Bathers therefore rightly expect impeccable hygienic conditions and comprehensive independent monitoring. The water quality according to DIN 19643 can only be ensured with a flawless treatment.
Basis is the DIN 19643
The evaluation of the treatment is carried out with regard to DIN 19643 "Treatment of swimming and bathing pool water", which specifies how perfect water quality and how efficient swimming pool water treatment must be.
Our range of services for treatment
- Consulting and support of the operators of public pools with regard to the treatment technology
- Training of operating personnel in order to maintain or achieve high hygienic standards in the pools we serve
Last change: 22.01.2022 11:12:50