Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Asbestos Analytics

Due to the massive use of asbestos in various products, especially in building materials, asbestos is one of the most frequently encountered hazardous substances in existing buildings. This applies mainly to buildings from the post-war period until the final ban on the manufacture and use of asbestos and materials containing asbestos (cf. Chemicals Prohibition Ordinance) in 1993. However, products containing asbestos can also be found in much older buildings, e.g. as a result of later conversion work.

In addition to the classic asbestos products, such as asbestos cement, floor coverings, fire protection panels, sprayed asbestos/plaster or plugging/sealing compounds, gaskets, and sealing cords, more and more asbestos-containing products have become known over time due to improvements in analytical methods, which cannot be detected with the naked eye without suitable laboratory analysis. These include, in particular, products used over large areas, such as tile adhesives, plasters, or fillers.

Thus, during planned renovation, conversion, and maintenance work as well as during the demolition of existing buildings, a possible hazard due to improper handling of asbestos products must always be expected. Even in the case of minor interventions in the private sector, fiber releases and the associated hazards to those carrying out the work and third parties cannot be ruled out. Furthermore, asbestos sites are of importance for the valuation and market value assessment of real estate, since expected remediation measures can, under certain circumstances, significantly reduce the value of a property.

In addition to all legal and economic concerns, we always focus on human health and hazard prevention. In our modernly equipped and DIN EN ISO 17025 accredited scanning electron microscopy (SEM) laboratory, we offer you the possibility to analyze your samples for asbestos and other fibrous pollutants.

Identification of asbestos in materials

Scanning electron microscopy provides a reliable and rapid method for identifying asbestos in material samples. We offer you the possibility to quickly and reliably check suspicious materials for the presence of asbestos. The analysis is carried out by our experienced laboratory staff according to the specifications of the current guidelines, e.g. Asbestos in Technical Products (VDI Guideline 3866, Sheet 5). Depending on the nature of the sample and the problem, the detection limits of the analytical methods can be adapted to your individual needs.
can be adapted to your individual needs.

The analytical methods used additionally allow the identification of other inorganic fibers, such as artificial mineral fibers (KMF) in insulation materials. Based on the composition of the fibers identified, we determine the carcinogenicity index (CI) of artificial mineral fibers upon request.

In addition to qualitative asbestos detection, we also offer quantitative determination of the asbestos
mass content in e.g. powders and dust according to BIA workbook, method 7487
As an accredited testing laboratory, we are subject to regular audits in which the quality of our work is verified by independent bodies. In addition, we regularly participate in international interlaboratory comparisons, in which the quality of analysis is verified by the examination of reference materials with known mass contents. We are pleased to offer our customers the possibility to send in sample material (see order form).
Please ensure that the mail is securely packaged. Within the business hours, a personal delivery of sample material is also possible, outside the business hours you can deposit your samples in our sample mailbox. If necessary, our expert field service is also available for a thorough on-site assessment and safe sample collection.

Indoor air testing

In addition to the examination of material samples, the examination of air samples for asbestos and other fibrous dust, such as artificial mineral fibers (KMF), is also part of our service. The air samples are usually taken by our expert field staff.
The measurement tasks include:
  • Status quo measurements (to determine the immission load of inorganic fibrous particles; inventory)
  • Success control measurements within the framework of provisional measures
  • Control measurements for the removal of protective measures (release measurement)
  • Measurements to assess the success of remediation measures in accordance with the Asbestos Directive (success control)
  • Control measurements to protect third parties from fiber releases from abatement areas
  • Stationary and personal workplace measurements
In addition, we also offer the pure evaluation of filters that have already been exposed. The analysis of air samples is carried out according to the valid guidelines (e.g. VDI guideline 3492, DGUV information 213-546).

By operating two scanning electron microscopes in parallel, we achieve a high degree of temporal flexibility, which allows reliable scheduling, especially in the case of ongoing asbestos abatement (e.g. release measurements or control measurements for the protection of third parties).

Special investigations

For special questions, we are pleased to offer our know-how and find together with you the suitable analysis method, for e.g.
  • the determination of asbestos in drinking water
  • the characterization of unknown materials by SEM/EDX analysis
  • the investigation of splintery hazardous materials and blasting agents
  • the investigation of corrosion processes
  • microscopic material comparisons
  • and much more.

Please contact us. Our experienced staff will be happy to assist you.
Last change: 22.01.2022 11:47:07