Verein des
Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V.
des Ruhrgebiets
Institut für Umwelthygiene und Toxikologie
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Waste Water Analytics


The most important step in wastewater testing is sampling. Only with the correct and high-quality sampling methods can reliable and meaningful results be produced.
Our samplers are specially trained for a wide variety of sampling methods and regularly refresh their expertise through internal and external training.
We carry out your desired sampling from classical random sampling, qualified random sampling with stainless steel scoops to time-proportional, multi-day sampling with cooled automatic samplers.

Indirect dischargers

The treatment of wastewater does not only take place in central wastewater treatment plants but already starts at the wastewater producer. This sets the basis for a regulated treatment.
For this purpose, we monitor the respective indirect dischargers on behalf of cities, districts, and municipalities. We are also happy to act directly for the wastewater producers within the framework of self-monitoring. By means of suitable investigation procedures, we ensure that the discharged wastewater complies with the specifications of the connected treatment plants and prevents high costs for the producer.
Whether investigations are carried out in accordance with water law permits or the local drainage statutes, we will be happy to provide you with advice and support.

Activated sludge

The heart in many central wastewater treatment plants is the activated sludge process for the clarification of wastewater. In this process, microorganisms are used to reduce the load on the water. This "colorful" mixture of microbes, protozoa, and bacteria is called activated sludge and is sometimes very sensitive to different matrix-related variations. Important parameters in this process are on the one hand the sludge age, but also the concentration of filamentous bacteria and free bacteria to prevent problems with bulking sludge.
The examination of activated sludge takes place microscopically and has the greatest significance with continuous examination. Regular examinations enable early detection of bulking sludge and thus prevent avoidable incidents during wastewater treatment.

Direct discharger

The direct discharger has a great responsibility to maintain the ecological diversity at the connected receiving water. The monitoring of the discharged, treated wastewater must be controlled in order to detect plant malfunctions in time. Furthermore, a low declaration according to § 4 Abs. 5 AbwAG can also save money. For this purpose, monitoring by an independent testing agency is necessary.
Our qualified staff will carry out the appropriate sampling for you at your plant and our laboratories will then analyze the samples taken using state-of-the-art technology.

Process monitoring

Depending on the type of plant, the analysis of the wastewater produced can also be used for process monitoring. For process monitoring, fast action is required. For this purpose, you can send us the samples personally or by courier. The sample will then be processed by us, depending on the urgency, and the result will be sent to you by mail, fax or post.

Sewer Skin

Deposits in pipelines and on lifting stations are generally referred to as sewage sludge. This biofilm, which forms just at the water-bearing line, is a kind of long-term memory of the sewer. Not only organic components such as PFCs or AOX accumulate in it, but also inorganic substances such as heavy metals. The examination of the sewer skins makes it possible to obtain an overview of the sections of a sewer network in which the highest loads are introduced into the wastewater system. Furthermore, a systematic examination can reveal causative factors of regularly occurring unintentional discharges.
A sampling of sewer skin should be done at night if possible. At this time, the water level in the sewer is usually at a very low level and thus exposes the sewer skin.
Last change: 30.09.2021 10:03:29